Progresses in NonEquilibrium Green’s Functions VII
Frascati (Italy), 2018, 27-31 August
The aim of the conference was to bring together high-profile experimentalists working on different aspects of nonequilibrium quantum physics with world-leading experts in fundamentals and applications of Green’s function theory to advance our understanding of matter under extreme nonequilibrium conditions and/or in highly excited states. There were focus sessions on transient spectroscopies, electron-boson interactions, numerical methods and approximation schemes, quantum transport, cold atoms and nuclear reactions.
This was the seventh of a successful series of conferences; previous editions have been held in Rostock (1999), Dresden (2002), Kiel (2005), Glasgow (2009), Jyvaskyla (2012) and Lund (2015). Below a list of the links to the proceedings of the previous editions:
I) – Rostock (1999)
II) – Dresden (2002)
III) – Kiel (2005)
IV) – Glasgow (2009)
V) – Jyvaskyla (2012)
VI) – Lund (2015). See also conference website
Local Organizing Committee: Gianluca Stefanucci, Andrea Marini and Stefano Bellucci
Local Coordinating Committee: Maurizia Palummo, Olivia Pulci, Elena Cannuccia
Advisory Board: Michael Bonitz, Pawel Danielewicz, Antti-Pekka Jauho, Frank Jahnke and Robert van Leeuwen
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