5th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications (ASESMA-2018)

Addis Abeba (Etiopia), 2018, 22 October – 2 November

The Schools provided an introdution to the theory of electronic structure and other atomistic simulation methods, with an emphasis on the computational methods for practical calculations.

The African School series on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications is planned on a biennial basis from 2010.  Previous schools were held in Cape Town, South Africa (2010), Eldoret, Kenya (2012), Johannesburg, South Africa (2015) and Accra, Ghana (2016).

The School also covered basic and advanced topics and applications of these methods to the structural, mechanical and optical properties of materials.

The School included hands-on tutorial sessions based on public license codes (including, but not limited to, the Quantum Espresso package).

During the second week, students were asked to split up in teams and work on specific projects under the guidance of the lecturers and mentors.

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