

10 Mag , 2024 - Talks,Talks & Seminars


PERSpectivEs in Ultrafast Spectroscopy and materials processing in the IR-UV wavelength range Rome, 2024, 6 May The communications on Ultrafast Spectroscopy will encompass time-resolved spectroscopy in absorption and photoemission in the Terahertz, Vis-UV, VUV, X-ray wavelength range and theoretical methods to interpret the experiments. The workshop will also focus on the experimental facilities: table-top sources, […]

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ETSF 2021

20 Dic , 2021 - Talks,Talks & Seminars

ETSF 2021

European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility Coimbra, 2021, 12-16 December The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) is a research network comprising 68 research teams across Europe and the United States. It carries out state-of-the-art research on theoretical and computational methods for the study of electronic and optical properties of materials. Due to its wide range of subjects and methods,  the […]

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15 Feb , 2018 - Talks,Talks & Seminars


Lausanne (Switzerland), 2018, 14 February Over the last decade, ultrafast technology has made enormous progress, opening a large variety of new research fields and applications. Examples include frequency combs that revolutionized precision measurements, table-top high-harmonic generation or plasma-based sources that allow new forms of spectroscopy and diffraction, lab-based sources of ultrashort radiation spanning from X-rays […]

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