Grenoble (France), 2018, 10-12 December The ESRF is a French non-profit Société civile, subject to French law. The ESRF is funded by an intergovernmental Convention and is an excellent example of…
ESRF PhD Defense 2018

Grenoble (France), 2018, 10-12 December The ESRF is a French non-profit Société civile, subject to French law. The ESRF is funded by an intergovernmental Convention and is an excellent example of…
5th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications (ASESMA-2018) Addis Abeba (Etiopia), 2018, 22 October - 2 November The Schools provided an introdution to the theory of electronic structure…
San Sebastian (Spain), 2018, 7-11 October The impressive progress in ultrafast laser technology, ranging from the femtosecond to the attosecond timescale and from the THz to the XUV frequency…
Progresses in NonEquilibrium Green's Functions VII Frascati (Italy), 2018, 27-31 August The aim of the conference was to bring together high-profile experimentalists working on different aspects of nonequilibrium quantum physics…
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 2018, 22-24 May The electron–phonon interaction plays a crucial role in many fields of physics and chemistry. Nevertheless, its actual calculation by means of modern many–body perturbation theory…
Bologna (Italy), 2018, 23 March At the beginning of October 2018, The European Council of Ministers officially backed the Commission's has invested jointly with the Member States in building a world-class…
Lausanne (Switzerland), 2018, 14 February Over the last decade, ultrafast technology has made enormous progress, opening a large variety of new research fields and applications. Examples include frequency combs that…
Trieste (Italy), 2018, 29-31 January Materials are crucial to scientific and technological advances and industrial competitiveness, and to tackle key societal challenges — from energy and environment to healthcare, information…