Trieste (Italia), 2025, 8-10 January
The “Total Energy”, organized by the ICTP, is a renowned workshop about recent progress in electronic structure methods and their applications. It has been held traditionally in Trieste every two years since the 80s and become one of the most popular regular events of the international ab initio electronic structure community.
The goal of the workshop was to provide a broad view of recent developments, current challenges, and future directions of the field.
The program featured invited talks and focused sessions on
– novel energy functionals
– machine learning: theory and applications
– correlated materials and excited states
– electron-phonon coupling
– materials design and discovery
– quantum computing: applications and materials platforms
– time-dependent and out-of-equilibrium phenomena
– electronic structure grand challenges in the age of AI and quantum computing (discussion session)
– semiconductors and ferroelectrics (in memory of Alfonso Baldereschi).
Abstracts booklet