Quasiparticle Band Structures and Excitons in Novel Materials using the Yambo Code

Quasiparticle Band Structures and Excitons in Novel Materials using the Yambo Code

Modena (Italy), 2020, 16 June

Yambo is an open-source project aimed at studying excited state properties of condensed matter systems from first principles using many-body methods. As input, Yambo requires ground state electronic structure data as computed by density functional theory codes such as Quantum ESPRESSO and Abinit. Yambo’s capabilities include the calculation of linear response quantities, quasi-particle corrections based on the GW formalism, optical absorption, and other spectroscopic quantities. Recent developments range from the electron-phonon interaction and a real-time approach to linear and non-linear optical properties.

New HPC clusters based on accelerators will soon enter the production phase. These machines are conceptually different from most of those previously employed by Yambo users. Indeed, Yambo HPC users are typically accustomed to machines based on massive MPI parallelism and often need to acquire more familiarity with heterogeneous machines based on GPUs.


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