ETSF 2024

ETSF 2024

Marseille (France), 2024, 3-7 June

With the goal of exchanging experiences and ideas around the development and application of advanced electronic structure methods, the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) organized its 27th workshop edition in Marseille, France, in June 2024. Having as a core subject many-body ab-initio theories, the workshop gathered both experimentalists and theoreticians working in the field of spectroscopy in material science and fostered discussions on fundamental challenges in applied materials research. 

The workshop was hosted by Aix Marseille University (AMU), whose development strategy is dedicated to interdisciplinary research. AMU welcomed international experts in physics, quantum chemistry, material science, and code development, with the aim of fostering fruitful exchanges between participants and the local community.

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