MaX Conference on the Materials Design Ecosystem at the Exascale: High-Performance and High-Throughput Computing
31 Gen , 2018 - Talks,Talks & Seminars
Trieste (Italy), 2018, 29-31 January Materials are crucial to scientific and technological advances and industrial competitiveness, and to tackle key societal challenges — from energy and environment to healthcare, information and communications, manufacturing, safety and transportation. Computational science, with the current accuracy and predictive power, can play a very relevant role in this respect by […]
advanced, atom, characterisation, chemistry, code, comput-ing(ational), computing, condensed, data, electron(s), electronic, ETSF, exascale, excitation, INFN, Marini, Marini A., Marini Andrea, material design ecosystem, material(s), matter, MaX, MBPT, methods, nano, nanoscience, nanotechnology, phenomena, photons, physics, properties, quantum, simulation, solid, structure, supercomputer, supercomputing, surfaces, theoretical, ultra-fast, Ultrafast, Yambo