An ICTP Hybrid Meeting

An ICTP Hybrid Meeting

Trieste (Italy), 2022, 4-8 April

The Computational School on Ab-initio Many-body Methods and Simulations with the Yambo Code has introduced many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and specifically to first-principles excited-state simulations using the YAMBO code.

The target participants have been graduate students, postdocs, and researchers who are interested in learning or in improving their knowledge and skills to calculate electronic and optical properties of materials, beyond the well-known DFT limitations and using an efficient, highly parallelized and accurate many-body computational tool.

Both theoretical and technical lectures have been offered as well as dedicated hands-on sessions where students will learn how to use the code for materials of current research interest and how to optimize its use in a parallel environment. Several post-processing tools for the analysis of the results have been also introduced and practically applied.

General topics have included self-energy and quasiparticles concepts, the GW approximation, and the Bethe-Salpeter equation, all placed in the context of and linked with experimental measurements (photoemission, absorption, photoluminescence).

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