Bologna (Italy), 2018, 23 March At the beginning of October 2018, The European Council of Ministers officially backed the Commission's has invested jointly with the Member States in building a world-class…
Lausanne (Switzerland), 2018, 14 February Over the last decade, ultrafast technology has made enormous progress, opening a large variety of new research fields and applications. Examples include frequency combs that…
MaX Conference on the Materials Design Ecosystem at the Exascale: High-Performance and High-Throughput Computing
Trieste (Italy), 2018, 29-31 January Materials are crucial to scientific and technological advances and industrial competitiveness, and to tackle key societal challenges — from energy and environment to healthcare, information…
School on “Advanced computing of excited state properties in solids and nanostructure with Yambo”
San Sebastian (Spain), 2017, 24-28 April Characterization and engineering of advanced materials and nanostructures often require an accurate description of their excited state properties. This school will provide a balanced…
Advanced Computing of Excited State Properties in Solids and Nanostructures with Yambo
Lausanne (Switzerland), 2017, 14-18 April The goal of this school, co-funded by CECAM and University of Luxembourg, was to provide the participants with the theoretical and computational tools to study…
MAX Meeting
Trieste (Italy), 2017, 9-11 January MaX concurrently works to develop a new application and data ecosystem, and to serve its industrial and academic community through end-user oriented actions. Key actions include advancing materials…
Computer modelling of materials at the nanoscale
Tokyo (Japan), 2014, 23-26 April 2016-TokyoDownload