31 Mag , 2021 - Talks,Talks & Seminars
Launch of TEMPISM – The Technology Material Platform of Institute for Structure of the Matter (ISM) Rome (Italy), 2021, 27 May The Institute for Structure of the Matter of National Research Council (ISM-CNR) is proud to announce TEMPISM – the Technological Material Platform of ISM. The platform will permit to access more then 130 equipments and […]
advanced, atom, characterisation, chemistry, CNR, code, comput-ing(ational), computational, condensed, data, electron(s), experiment, ISM, Marini, Marini A., Marini Andrea, material(s), matter, methods, nano, phenomena, photons, physics, platform, properties, quantum, simulation, solid, structure, surfaces, Tempism, theoretical, ultra-fast, Ultrafast, Yambo