Archivia 2019-12-01


Yambo code school for electronic structure simulations of materials Dschang (Camerun), 2019, November The Central Africa School of electronic structure in materials was featured in the Camerun news.…

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MaX Hackathon: Domain Specific Libraries for Material Modelling

Trieste (Italy), 2019, 25-29 November The hackathon meeting is meant to update the Max community of developers to the state of the art implementations and future road-maps of the Max…

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NFFA General Assembly

Meeting focused on the participation to the Call INFRAIA-03 Munich (Germany), 2019, 28-29 October The NFFA Europe research infrastructure integrates nanofoundries (synthesis, growth and manipulation of nanostructures) with fine analysis,…

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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2019

Frascati (Italy), 2019, 15-18 October The NEXT Nanotechnology group at INFN - LNF organizes since 2000 a series of international meetings in the area of nanotechnology.The conference in 2019 has…

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Solving the Two-Time Kadanoff-Baym Equations. Status and Open Problems

Kiel (Germany), 2019, 11-12 March During the successful interdisciplinary workshop “Progresses in Nonequilibrium Green’s Functions VII” held 27th - 31st August 2018 in Frascati (Italy) it became clear that more…

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Second NFFA Europe Science Workshop

Milano (Italy), 2019, 20-21 February Approaching the end of NFFA-Europe, the worksgop has aimed to gather together partners, users and stakeholders to share the achievements of these past four years…

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