Tag applied mathematics


European Materials Research Society Warsaw (Poland), 2022, 19-22 September Various theoretical and computational methods have been developed and utilized to understand and design novel functional materials and nanostructures in the…

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An ICTP Hybrid Meeting

Trieste (Italy), 2022, 4-8 April The Computational School on Ab-initio Many-body Methods and Simulations with the Yambo Code has introduced many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and specifically to first-principles excited-state simulations using the YAMBO…

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Solving the Two-Time Kadanoff-Baym Equations. Status and Open Problems

Kiel (Germany), 2019, 11-12 March During the successful interdisciplinary workshop “Progresses in Nonequilibrium Green’s Functions VII” held 27th - 31st August 2018 in Frascati (Italy) it became clear that more…

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