applied mathematics


23 Set , 2022 - Talks,Talks & Seminars


European Materials Research Society Warsaw (Poland), 2022, 19-22 September Various theoretical and computational methods have been developed and utilized to understand and design novel functional materials and nanostructures in the past years, revealing several fascinating physical effects with diverse potential technological applications. This symposium has aimed to gather scientists developing and combining various theoretical, computational, […]

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An ICTP Hybrid Meeting

12 Apr , 2022 - Seminars,Talks & Seminars

An ICTP Hybrid Meeting

Trieste (Italy), 2022, 4-8 April The Computational School on Ab-initio Many-body Methods and Simulations with the Yambo Code has introduced many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and specifically to first-principles excited-state simulations using the YAMBO code. The target participants have been graduate students, postdocs, and researchers who are interested in learning or in improving their knowledge and skills to calculate […]

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Solving the Two-Time Kadanoff-Baym Equations. Status and Open Problems

13 Mar , 2019 - Talks,Talks & Seminars

Solving the Two-Time Kadanoff-Baym Equations. Status and Open Problems

Kiel (Germany), 2019, 11-12 March During the successful interdisciplinary workshop “Progresses in Nonequilibrium Green’s Functions VII” held 27th – 31st August 2018 in Frascati (Italy) it became clear that more and more groups were startingor continuing to solve the two-time Kadanoff-Baym equations as well as the single-time version (GKBA). The outlined workshop provided the framework […]

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